COVID-19: Business Support Grant now available

With new national lockdown measures coming into place on Thursday 5th November, the Government has announced further funding to support business that are legally required to close during the lockdown period.

Eligible businesses are now able to apply for a Business Support Grant of up to £3,000. This will cover the 28 day national lockdown period. The funding will be provided on a rolling 28 day period for as long as the lockdown restrictions apply.

Is my business eligible for a Business Support Grant?

Funding support is available for those businesses that are legally required to close and are business rate payers. Businesses that have been required to close by Government include:

  • Non-essential retail
  • Leisure
  • Personal Care
  • Sports Facilities
  • Hospitality

If you are a pub or restaurant and have changed your business model during the lockdown period to operate as a takeaway, click and collect or online with delivery services, you will still be counted as closed because your substantive business has had to close.’

View full list of businesses required to close here.

How do I apply?


Further information can be found on the South Somerset District Council website

Released On 20th Nov 2020